With many businesses and governments having focused on incorporating policies centred around ESG and sustainability over the past decade, an increased attention on conservation and the environment naturally followed. Yet the question remains, will these initiatives remain intact following COVID-19? With instants of poaching increasing, the demand to build viable businesses to support conservation initiatives across the continent has gained traction as a preventative measure. However with the economic pressures of COVID-19 where will this leave the focus on conservation? Will the growth of EcoTourism rebound? Will we see increased investment into the conservation sector again?
This intriguing discussion was moderated by, Alexander Rhodes, Head of Mishcon Purpose, Mishcon de Reya and EPI Foundation Trustee, with panellists: Dr. Winnie Kiiru, Senior Technical Advisor, EPI Foundation, Kevin Pietersen, Founder, Sorai, Paul Milton, Founder, Milton Advisors, John E. Scanlon, EPI Foundation.