Recursos sobre o conflito entre humanos e elefantes
African Journalism Fund Report
In 2023, the EPI Foundation, sponsored by Wild Philanthropy, designed and implemented the African Journalism Fund as a means of providing a platform for people who live around protected areas to voice their concerns, articulate the challenges they face, and contribute to finding long-lasting solutions to human-wildlife conflict.
HEC Strategy Portuguese
Permitir a coexistência harmoniosa de pessoas e elefantes com manadas capazes de viajar ao longo da sua área de distribuição. Protegendo assim uma gama diversificada de animais e plantas selvagens, combatendo as alterações climáticas e apoiando os meios de subsistência locais.
HEC Strategy French
Permettre une coexistence harmonieuse des hommes et des éléphants avec des troupeaux capables de se déplacer à travers leur aire de répartition. Protégeant ainsi un large éventail d’animaux et de plantes sauvages, luttant contre le changement climatique et soutenant les moyens de subsistance locaux.
HEC Strategy English
To enable harmonious coexistence of people and elephants with herds able to travel across their range. Thereby protecting a diverse range of wild animals and plants, combating climate change, and supporting local livelihoods.